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Authors:David Gouveia
File size:3 MB
File format:PDF & EPUB


  • Add audio to your game using FMOD and wrap it in your own code
  • Understand the core concepts of audio programming and work with audio at different levels of abstraction
  • Work with a technology that is widely considered to be the industry standard in audio middlewar

Table of Contents

  1. Chapter 1: Audio Concepts

    • Sound waves
    • Analog and digital audio
    • Multi-channel audio
    • Audio file formats
    • Summary

  2. Chapter 2: Audio Playback

    • Understanding FMOD
    • Installing FMOD Ex Programmer's API
    • Creating and managing the audio system
    • Loading and streaming audio files
    • Playing sounds
    • Checking for errors
    • Project 1 – building a simple audio manager
      • Class definition
      • Initialization and destruction
      • Loading or streaming sounds
      • Playing sounds
      • A note about the code samples
    • Summary

  3. Chapter 3: Audio Control

    • The channel handle
    • Controlling the playback
    • Controlling the volume
    • Controlling the pitch
    • Controlling the panning
    • Grouping channels together
    • Controlling groups of channels
    • Project 2 – improving the audio manager
      • Class definition
      • Initialization and destruction
      • Loading songs and sound effects
      • Playing and stopping sound effects
      • Playing and stopping songs
      • Controlling the master volume of each category
    • Summary

  4. Chapter 4: 3D Audio

    • Positional audio
    • Positional audio in FMOD
      • Creating an audio source
      • Setting the audio source's position and velocity
      • Setting the audio source's direction
      • Setting the audio source's range
      • Setting the audio listener's properties
      • Integration with a game
    • Reverb
    • Reverb in FMOD
      • Creating a reverb object
      • Setting reverb properties
      • Setting reverb position and radius
      • Setting the default ambient reverb
    • Obstruction and occlusion
      • Obstruction and occlusion in FMOD
    • Effects
      • Effects in FMOD
      • Example 1 – time stretching
      • Example 2 – simple radio effect
    • Summary

  5. Chapter 5: Intelligent Audio

    • Audio files versus sound events
    • Introducing the FMOD Designer
    • Simple events
      • Examples of simple events
        • Avoiding repetitive sound effects
        • Creating a footsteps sound loop
        • Creating a breaking glass sound effect
        • Creating an ambient track of singing birds
    • Multi-track events
      • Examples of multi-track events
        • Creating an interactive footsteps sound loop
        • Simulating the sound of a car engine
        • Creating a complex ambient track of a forest
    • Interactive music
      • The vertical approach (re-orchestration)
      • The horizontal approach (re-sequencing)
    • Calling sound events from the game code
    • Summary

  6. Chapter 6: Low-level Audio

    • Representing audio data
    • Playing audio data
    • Loading a sound
    • Playing a sound
    • Pausing a sound
    • Looping a sound
    • Changing volume
    • Changing pitch
    • Changing panning
    • Mixing multiple sounds
    • Implementing a delay effect
    • Synthesizing a sound
    • Summary

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